Saturday, August 28, 2010

Long Distance Relationship Rescue

1. ASK THE IMPORTANT QUESTIONS. Once you and your sweetie have decided to pursue a long distance relationship, sit down and have a talk. Clarify everything; ask all the questions you have in mind. Set the rules, agree on them. This will definitely save you from a lot of pain if things don't work out in the end.
2. COMMUNICATE EVERYDAY. Keeping in touch is not so hard in this day and age. You can send each other short e-meals, even from work, or agree on a time when you can chat and talk about your day. Find ways to let each other know how you're doing.
3. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF HAVING SOME TIME FOR YOUR SELF. While some people don't think being in a long distance relationship has any advantages, they,re mistaken. This is the perfect time for you to spend time with your friends and family to have solo trips and explore on your own. This will truly help you become a better and stronger person.
4. PURSUE COMMON INTERESTS. Even though you're apart You can both play the same online game or watch the same movie and share your experiences with it. Read the same book, and share what you think about it. This will help lessen the pain of the distance. And if you're still having doubts, just remember what Leslie Karsner says: "Long distance romances can work; they just need a little extra effort and some planning."