Wednesday, December 19, 2012

-- The power of ♥ ~ IdleHearts

A poor boy loved a rich girl..
One day the boy proposed to her and the girl said.,

"Hey..! Listen.,
your monthly salary is my daily hand expenses..How can I be involved with you..?
How could you have thought of that..?
I can never love you..
So.,forget­­ about me & get engaged to someone else at your level"..

But somehow the boy could not forget her so easily..
Sometime 10 years later.,they stumbled into each other in a shopping mall..

The lady said.,"Hey..!Yo­­u..!How are you..?
Now I'm married and do you know how much my husband's salary is..?$15,700 per month..!

Can you believe that..?
And he is also very smart.."

The guy's eyes got wet with tears on hearing those words..
A few seconds later.,her husband came but before the lady could say a word.,her husband
seeing the guy.,said.,"Sir­­ you're here and you've met my wife.."

Then he said to his wife.,"This is my boss.,
I'm also one of those working on his $100 million project..
And do you know a fact my dear..? My boss loved a lady but he couldn't win her heart..
That's why he has remained unmarried..How lucky would that lady have been if she had married him..

These days.,who will love someone that much he said to his wife..
The lady looked in total shock but couldn't utter a word..

Life is so short and it's just like a mirror..
You can only see as much as it reflects..
So don't be too arrogant and proud of yourself by looking down on others
because situations change with time just like the weather..!
Don't under estimate anyone.,cos everyone has potential..!

Monday, December 17, 2012

How To Motivate Yourself – Self Motivation

Written by Editor in Chief, Pick The Brain -

Staying motivated is a struggle — our drive is constantly assaulted by negative thoughts and anxiety about the future. Everyone faces doubt and depression. What separates the highly successful is the ability to keep moving forward.

There is no simple solution for a lack of motivation. Even after beating it, the problem reappears at the first sign of failure. The key is understanding your thoughts and how they drive your emotions. By learning how to nurture motivating thoughts, neutralize negative ones, and focus on the task at hand, you can pull yourself out of a slump before it gains momentum.
Reasons We Lose Motivation

There are 3 primary reasons we lose motivation.

Lack of confidence – If you don’t believe you can succeed, what’s the point in trying?
Lack of focus – If you don’t know what you want, do you really want anything?
Lack of direction – If you don’t know what to do, how can you be motivated to do it?

How to Boost Confidence

The first motivation killer is a lack of confidence. When this happens to me, it’s usually because I’m focusing entirely on what I want and neglecting what I already have. When you only think about what you want, your mind creates explanations for why you aren’t getting it. This creates negative thoughts. Past failures, bad breaks, and personal weaknesses dominate your mind. You become jealous of your competitors and start making excuses for why you can’t succeed. In this state, you tend to make a bad impression, assume the worst about others, and lose self confidence.

The way to get out of this thought pattern is to focus on gratitude. Set aside time to focus on everything positive in your life. Make a mental list of your strengths, past successes, and current advantages. We tend to take our strengths for granted and dwell on our failures. By making an effort to feel grateful, you’ll realize how competent and successful you already are. This will rejuvenate your confidence and get you motivated to build on your current success.

It might sound strange that repeating things you already know can improve your mindset, but it’s amazingly effective. The mind distorts reality to confirm what it wants to believe. The more negatively you think, the more examples your mind will discover to confirm that belief. When you truly believe that you deserve success, your mind will generate ways to achieve it. The best way to bring success to yourself is to genuinely desire to create value for the rest of the world.
Developing Tangible Focus

The second motivation killer is a lack of focus. How often do you focus on what you don’t want, rather than on a concrete goal? We normally think in terms of fear. I’m afraid of being poor. I’m afraid no one will respect me. I’m afraid of being alone. The problem with this type of thinking is that fear alone isn’t actionable. Instead of doing something about our fear, it feeds on itself and drains our motivation.

If you’re caught up in fear based thinking, the first step is focusing that energy on a well defined goal. By defining a goal, you automatically define a set of actions. If you have a fear of poverty, create a plan to increase your income. It could be going back to school, obtaining a higher paying job, or developing a profitable website. The key is moving from an intangible desire to concrete, measurable steps.

By focusing your mind on a positive goal instead of an ambiguous fear, you put your brain to work. It instantly begins devising a plan for success. Instead of worrying about the future you start to do something about it. This is the first step in motivating yourself to take action. When know what you want, you become motivated to take action.
Developing Direction

The final piece in the motivational puzzle is direction. If focus means having an ultimate goal, direction is having a day-to-day strategy to achieve it. A lack of direction kills motivation because without an obvious next action we succumb to procrastination. An example of this is a person who wants to have a popular blog, but who spends more time reading posts about blogging than actually writing articles.

The key to finding direction is identifying the activities that lead to success. For every goal, there are activities that pay off and those that don’t. Make a list of all your activities and arrange them based on results. Then make a make an action plan that focuses on the activities that lead to big returns. To continue the example from above, a blogger’s list would look something like this:

Write content
Research relevant topics
Network with other bloggers
Optimize design and ad placements
Answer comments and email
Read other blogs

Keeping track of your most important tasks will direct your energy towards success. Without a constant reminder, it’s easy to waste entire days on filler activities like reading RSS feeds, email, and random web surfing.

When my motivation starts to wane, I regain direction by creating a plan that contains two positive actions. The first one should be a small task you’ve been meaning to do, while the second should be a long-term goal. I immediately do the smaller task. This creates positive momentum. After that I take the first step towards achieving the long-term goal. Doing this periodically is great for getting out of a slump, creating positive reinforcement, and getting long-term plans moving.

It’s inevitable that you’ll encounter periods of low energy, bad luck, and even the occasional failure. If you don’t discipline your mind, these minor speed bumps can turn into mental monsters. By being on guard against the top 3 motivation killers you can preserve your motivation and propel yourself to success.

Words of Erin Sheehan

My Life is My Message. I am a mother of such a precious little boy - I work sunrise til sunset. I practice buddhism. My religion is love. I practice yoga. My other car is a yoga mat. I practice mindful living. I am a vegetarian. I love life. I am blessed. Love fills my entire being... NAMASTE~

To live content with small means; to seek elegance rather than luxury; and refinement rather than fashion; to be worthy, not respectable; and wealthy, not rich; to enjoy more and analyze less; to listen to stars and birds and the sound of rain pouring and trees swinging, with open heart; to love wholeheartedly; live sincerely; give generously; to think quietly, act frankly, talk gently, await occasions, hurry never; in a word, to let the spiritual, unbidden and unconscious, grow up through the common --

-- this is my symphony ~

Whatever you can do, or think you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. ~ Goethe

"To understand karma, you must realize that thoughts are things. The very universe, in the final analysis, is composed not of matter but of consciousness. Matter responds, far more than most people realize, to the power of thought. For will power directs energy, and energy in turn acts upon matter. Matter, indeed, energy." --Paramhansa Yogananda, The Essence of Self-Realization

There is something beyond our mind which abides in silence within our mind. It is the supreme mystery beyond thought...:

Hindu: Maitri Upanishad 6.19

Silence is a gateway to the inner life. As your mind becomes still, you enter more deeply into yourself. As you do so, the sense of your individual self fades and there is an awareness of oneness. You sense a Presence greater than yourself. This sense of Presence is a gift. It is like discovering water deep down in a well. Most people live their lives at a superficial level, occupied with the business of daily affairs. If you can empty your mind of these concerns, you gradually discover an inner peace and oneness with life. It is, as the Hindu scriptures say, "a supreme mystery." There is no need to name this reality. It is enough to taste the calm refreshment that this awareness offers.

The flexible are preserved unbroken.
~ Tao

Prayer is not asking. It is a longing of the soul. It is daily admission of one's weakness. It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words without a heart.
~ Ghandi

I like sexual intercourse because of its amazing power of producing a celestial flood of emotion and exaltation of existence which, however momentary, gave me a sample of what may one day be the normal state of being for mankind in intellectual ecstasy.
~ George Bernard Shaw

The Seven Deadly Sins are wealth without work, pleasure without conscience, knowledge without character, business without morality, science without humanity, worship without sacrifice and politics without principle.
~ M. Ghandi

Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday Dear Daughter. You have been a joy to know for 26 years now. I'm sure God will bless you with endless years to come so that you can bring His love and happiness to those lucky enough to know you in their lifetime. talk to you tomorrow.
~ Dad 92808

I will cover you with love when next I see you, with caresses, with ecstasy. I want to gorge you with all the joys of the flesh, so that you faint and die. I want you to be amazed by me, and to confess to yourself that you had never even dreamed of such transports.... When you are old, I want you to recall those few hours, I want your dry bones to quiver with joy when you think of them. ~Gustave Flaubert, letter to wife Louise Colet, 15 August 1846

As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. ~John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Devotion is more than just saying you love the Divine... You must become that love, see that love in all things, and be the act of loving.

A spiritual awakening, by definition, must include a shift in perception.

The Way to Change is to Change your Ways.

Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude. ~ Denis Waitley

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Laziness: Why it Exists and How to Overcome Chronic Laziness by

Laziness: Why it Exists and How to Overcome Chronic Laziness

Australian researchers have identified a new condition characterized by extreme laziness: motivational deficiency disorder (MoDeD). MoDeD is far different from being a couch potato when you get home from work or sleeping in late on a Sunday morning. Instead, motivational deficiency disorder is described as overwhelming and debilitating apathy.

People with motivational deficiency disorder are more than just couch potatoes; they lack a desire to feel or do just about anything.

In cases when a person loses even the motivation to breathe, the condition can be fatal, researchers said.

Though the condition is thought to affect up to one in five Australians -- with an economic impact of $1.7 billion a year -- little is known about the causes of or treatments for motivational deficiency disorder.

"This disorder is poorly understood," says neurologist Leth Argos, who is one of the researchers that identified MoDeD. "It is underdiagnosed and undertreated."

What is Laziness?

Laziness, as defined by the Merriam Webster Online Dictionary, is a disinclination to activity or exertion. While we all feel lazy once in a while, someone who is suffering from extreme laziness would feel this way chronically.

Laziness is not an illness or a mental illness (unless it is the extreme form described above), but it can be a symptom of one, including:


Chronic fatigue syndrome


Laziness can also develop after a period of intense work or stress, and in this way may actually be the body's way of protecting itself and getting the rest it needs to recuperate.

Lazy or Just Not Motivated?

According to Mel Levine, M.D., a professor of pediatrics at the University of North Carolina Medical School and director of its Clinical Center for the Study of Development and Learning, the desire to be productive is universal.

However, a person's drive can become frustrated by various things -- causing a person to lose it altogether (until those dysfunctions are remedied). For instance, a child who has a language production dysfunction may not be able to express his or her thoughts and may give up. Or, a person whose ideas are constantly ignored at work may decide there is no point in trying.

"When we call someone lazy, we condemn a human being," writes Mel Levine in his book The Myth of Laziness.

"We gain energy and feel good about ourselves whenever our personal output wins the approval, the acceptance, the respect of our friends, our families, our bosses (or teachers) and, most of all, our self-critical selves," he continues.

Everyone deserves a lazy day once in a while, but if laziness is starting to interfere with your life, check out the five tips to overcome it below.

Levine believes that when a person's natural output is interrupted -- by failing to produce for whatever reason -- they have "output failure," a condition that is not laziness but is rather a neuro-developmental dysfunction (which could be anything from having trouble writing or speaking to lacking organizational skills). This can cause difficulties throughout adulthood if not remedied.

How to Overcome Laziness

If you or someone you know is experiencing chronic laziness, the following tips can help to get back on track.

Do something that motivates you. All too often, laziness stems from boredom or a complete disinterest in your daily tasks. If you don't feel that your work is rewarding, consider changing careers. Likewise, if your child isn't inherently motivated to do schoolwork, set up a reward system that gives him or her something to work toward. Also, if a particular task seems overwhelming to you or your child (and therefore causes you to not do it), take small steps to make the task more manageable.

Exercise. The more time that passes without taking action, the easier it is to fall into the laziness trap. Exercise is an excellent way to boost your energy levels and put you in a better mood -- so you're ready to face a new day head-on.

Rule out illness. If you lack the desire to do anything, you may be suffering from an illness such as depression or the newly defined motivational deficiency disorder. When laziness becomes chronic or overwhelming, you should talk to your health care provider.

Make a change in your life. Sometimes, just the routine of daily life can lead to laziness. If you feel your daily routine is turning into monotony, sign up for a class at your local community college, volunteer at your town's animal shelter or call up a friend to play tennis.

Surround yourself with supportive people. When laziness begins to set in, one of the worst things you can do is surround yourself with other lazy people. Instead, actively seek out people -- in both professional and personal settings -- who will support your ideas, encourage your success and embrace you as a person.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Tips Para Manatiling Active at Matalas ang Isip Kahit Oldies Na

Marami sa atin ang natatakot na mawala ang memorya o maging ulyanin habang nagkakaedad. Magagawa nating maging aktibo ang ating utak at mapanatili ang magandang kalidad ng buhay sa ilang paraan. Umpisahan sa tamang pagkain, nutrisyon, pisikal ang sosyal na aktibidad ay may nagagawa ito para maging alisto ang isipan. Ang mga brain game at mga pisikal na aktibidad ay kayang pagmatibay ng utak at nakatutulong kahit tumatanda ay aktibo pa rin ang kaisipan. MGA UGALING DAPAT BAGUHIN: 1. Maging optimistiko. Ang pagpasyahan kung paano damahin ang magandang umaga ang ddetermina ng ganda ng buo araw mo. Maari mong piliin na maging positibo sa lahat ng bagay. Tiyak na magiging maganda ang araw at dahil ang ugali ay iibayo, mas gagaan pa ang karakter. 2. Tapusin ang kalungkutan. Pangkaraniwang dahilan ng paghina ng isipang ito sa isang may edad. Magpakonsulta sa doktor, uminom ng gamot ayon sa inireseta at iwasan ang anumang depressants tulad ng sedatives at alcohol. 3. Lumahok sa volunteer group. Gumawa ng isang bagay na sa tingin mo ay makahulugan. Maging aktibo sa pakikihalubilo at makisama sa iba. PAKAININ ANG ISIPAN. 1. Sundin ang malulusog na diyeta upang mabawasan ang peligro ng sakit sa puso, mataas na presyon ng dugo at diabetes. Kung ikaw ay diabetes, sundin ang iniresitang dietary guidelines upang bumaba ang antas ng sugar. 2. Kumain ng pagkain na mataas sa antioxidants o kaya ay uminom ng supplements. Ang pagkaing mataas sa antioxidants ay nakatutulong para maproteksiyunan ang selyula ng utak at nakapagpapalusog sa ating isipan. 3. Uminom ng sapat na dami ng tubig upang mananatiling hydrated. Ang tubig ang nagpapanatili ng magandang sirkulasyon sa dugo at napakahalaga para sa aktibidad ng utak. Nagiging dahilan din ng pakalito ang dehydration kaya tiyakin na makaiinom ng sapat at mag-ehersisyo rin. IHERSISYO ANG ISIPAN. 1. Ihersisyo ang katawan. Totoo ang lumang kasabihan na "healthy body, healthy mind." Ang ehersisyo ay nakapagpapaapekto sa kabuuan ng kalusugan, kabilang na ang utak. Lumangoy, magbisikleta, maglakad, magsayaw, maghardin, mag-stretch o kaya ay magyoga upang manatiling malusog ang katawan at isipan. 2. Gawing aktibo ang isipan araw-araw. Maglaro ng trivia games, mag-crossword puzzle, word games o magbasa, araw-araw. 3. Simulan ang isang bagay na magbibigay-pagsubok sa isipan. Kumuha ng bagong pagkakaabalahan, matuto ng bagong lengguwahe o kaya ay family history. 4. Mag-weights o kaya ay buhahit ang mabibigat na grocery items sa bahay upang magkaroon ng strengthening exercises. 5. Buuin ang oras ng pagtulog sa gabi para sa sariwang paggising ng isipan at maging aktibo. 6. Maging tagapayo sa iba at ibahagi ang nalalaman sa kanila.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Lesson: Dili ta makaasa sa uban bisag close family, e. Husband, Parents both sides, Siblings both sides

Maau lang og naay maau mahitabo sa kinabuhi or naa sila makuha or ma take advantage, pero kung wala bayaan ka sa ere, murag pabigat kaau ka nila, labi na og wala kung wala kay kwarta, papaningkamuton ka taman sa imung ginhawa, kung naa kay kwarta tabangan sad kag ot-ot gusto pa malibre, aside sad sa finances, psychologically, emotionally, physicaly, kay kng dili maau nimu pagkadala imu life because of psychological reasons makaminus kaau sila nimu, emotionally broke ka nila mura kag buang, kung physically magkatawa sila kung ur not physically well nya makaminus pagyud labi na kng makita nila nga ur really trying ur best nga maau physically or mag.gara2x daun if makita nila mas nindot sila tn.awn, pero kung maau ka psychologically - dayon sila nimu tarung tarungon ka, kung ok ka emotionally magduol2x daun nya makisabay daun, physically ky magsuya2x daun if ur mas nindot ka tan.awn nila. this applies to everyboday husband, parents both sides, siblings both sides, busa maningkamot nalang ko ani og akoa!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

LIFE's Lessons

- Dili vocal sa mga plans og dreams sa life ky naay tendency masuhong, WALK YOUR TALK quote applies here! - No need to explain yourself to people who talks negatively og walay maaung ma contribute ang ilang gisulti sa imu life, they are not worth it. - You have to stay strong and do your best ayaw pagpakita og weakness sa mga taw labi na when it comes to gobi ky it's either makaminus sila or magkatawa sila sa imung kahimtang labi ni si aling Terry. - You have to learn on your own slowly put your feet on the other shoe, like ni melanie nga siya ra sa ilaha, dili sa tnan panahon naay mga taw there to support you, but kung naay ways nga mas sayon2x og macomportable mo sa imu anak y not grab it diba? -Dili na kinahanglan mgstorya2x pa sa plano o mga butang angay buhaton sometimes you have to keep it on your own, learn how to play LIFE! -Ibuhos imu self sa imu anak, naay mga taw nga nalipay sa imung sitwasyon karon nga lisud nagkatawa sila sa luyo busa have patience keep your feet on the ground and learn to move on strongly be serious! unya kng unsa ila storya nga dapat dapat dili padala if you know dili nimu kaya, mnyntag ikaw sila? di baya malalim mahimung ako! -never expect to much learn to appreciate kung unsai naa ka nya you have to use all your resources, learn to be less make the most of what you have!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Babala: Mga gastusin na dahilan ng utang

Ang mga tukso na hindi naaayon sa iyong pinansiyal na layunin ay isa pang kagawian na posibleng magdulot ng utang. Tandaan na lagi nating pinapayo na gumawa ng Statement of Assets and Liabilities (SAL) para malaman ng eksakto kung nasaan ka ngayon sa iyong buhay pinansiyal. Lalo ninyong mas maunawaan ang kahalagahan ng SAL kung sabihin ko sa inyo pareho lang ito sa SALN (Statement of Assets and Liabilities and Net Worth) na laging nababanggit noong impeachment hearings ni Chief Justice Corona. Kailangan mo ring gumawa ng Budget Forecast na nagpapakita ng iyong kita, ipon at gastos (Income - Savings = Expenses). Kapag alam mo na ang iyong budget at iyong SAL, puwede mo ng gawin ang iyong Personal Financial Plan na siyang nagsasabi kung magkano ang perang kailangan mong makamit sa isang espesipikong panahon sa hinaharap. Kasama rin dapat sa iyong plano kung paano mo ii-invest ang iyong savings para lumago ang iyong SAL nang hindi bababa sa 2 beses kada taon, maiintindahan mo kung lumalago ba ang iyong kayamanan o hindi. Napakaraming tukso na magiging dahilan para makalimutan mo ang iyong mga layuning pinansiyal. Karamihan sa mga tuksong ito ay galing sa iyong mga kamag-anak, kaibigan at kapitbahay na hindi nagpaplano para sa kanilang pinansiyal na kinabukasan. O kaya naman, mas malaki ang kita nila kaysa sa iyo kaya kumpara sa iyo, mas malaki ang natitira nilang pera para sa mga regular na gastusin. Ang binyag ay isa pang halimbawa kung saan nagkakaiba ang pananaw ng mga tao. May ilang nagsasabi na dapat malaking pagdiriwang ang binyag dahil isang beses lang ito nangyayari sa buhay ng binibinyagan. Mas ipinagdidiriwang itol lalo na para sa panganay na anak. Kapag nagpasya kayo ng malaking pagdiriwang, magbibigay suhestiyon ang mga kamag-anak at kaibigan tungkol sa espesyal na damit-pambinyag, lugar na paggaganapan at iba pa. May kaakibat na gastos ang lahat ng ito at makababawas pa sa ipon mo. Hindi man lang mag-e-enjoy o malalaman ng iyong baby kung ano ang nangyayari, baka nga hindi pa siya maging komportable sa kaguluhan. Imbes na gumastos ng malaki sa binyag, ang perang matitipid ay puwedeng gamitin na lamang para magbukas ng savings plan para sa inyong anak. Mas mag-e-enjoy pa siya rito sa panahong kailangan niya ito. Pipiliin ng mga taong may disiplinadong pananaw ang isang simple at tahimik na binyag. Hindi kailangang sumunod sa gusto nga mga kamag-anak at kaibigan. Kahit na magbigay sila ng pera para sa binyag, puwede mo na lang itabi ang pera bilang ipon para sa bata. Pero siyempre, baka hindi sila magbigay ng kontribusyon ng mga kakilala para bayaran ang diperensiyang ito? Siguro, kung tiyak ka na sapat o higit pa ang kontribusyon para pondohan ang karagdagang gastusin ng isang malaking handaan, hindi ka nila matutukso na gumastos nang higit sa iyong budget.

Saturday, June 2, 2012


Confidence's ugly step-sister is arrogance. She may seem just as sure of herself, but if you look at her core, she's empty inside. What's the difference? Confidence looks in the mirror and sees her flaws but also sees her true worth. Arrogance looks in the mirror, sees her flaws, and tries to hide them with lots of cheap cover-ups like boastful words ("Look at me! I'm the prettiest girl in the whole world!") and petty putdowns ("Yuck! She's so panget, not like me.") Arrogance hates Confidence because Confidence has something Arrogance doesn't have security. A pimple pops up and Confidence can still go to the ball because she knowsshe's more than just a pretty face. When Arrogance get a zit attack, her bloated self-image is ruined and the only way she can restore it is by making sure everyone else gets a zit, too. Security comes from knowing your true value and letting your value come from who you are. Insecurity comes from lessening your value by basing your worth on what you have, what you want desperately to be, or what other people say you are. Confidence and arrogance don't get along. Be careful who you choose to be.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

flattery and manipulation The most common form of manipulation comes packaged in the form of flattery – it’s also the most dangerous. The veil of most “hidden” agendas are also typically cloaked in flattery. The insidious nature of flattery is that it becomes most powerful when it is served to those who thirst for it. Leaders who place their need for adoration and acclaim above serving the needs of others are high value targets for those who would abuse the misplaced trust given to them. If you take one thing away from this post it should be this – the power that comes with a leader’s ability to positively influence others is only trumped by the power given away as they are adversely influenced by others. In the text that follows I’ll share my thoughts on what has been the silent assassin of many a leader – flattery. The problem with the old saying that “flattery will get you everywhere” is that those with less than pure intentions not only believe it, they act on it. The lazy, the power hungry, the greedy, the gravy-trainers, the psychopaths and sociopaths all understand that flattery is not harmless. Quite to the contrary, these soothsayers understand that flattery has the power to influence, corrupt, undermine and deceive – they wield flattery as a lethal weapon against the undiscerning. Manipulation in the form of flattery is little more than a covert form of aggression. Before I go any further it is important to understand that praise and flattery, while often used interchangeably, are not synonymous. “Praise” is most commonly defined as: the expression of favorable judgment or sincere appreciation. “Flattery” is most commonly defined as: excessive and insincere praise. The naïve, the needy, the impressionable or the ego-centric view flattery as genuine praise. Discerning people understand flattery to be disingenuous, false praise motivated by an agenda. Here’s the thing – In times past it was a bit easier to discern authentic praise from false praise because the methods by which relationships were constructed was different. We used to build our relationships slowly and carefully based upon personal history and experience. Trust was earned over time through personal observations of a person’s character, actions and decisions. Ah, the good ole days… In today’s digital world speed has influenced every aspect of our lives – perhaps most notably how we build our relationships and who we grant access to. If you examine the speed at which people build their friends, fans, followers, and connections on social networks, and how they market themselves and their companies using social media, you’ll find many seem to be in a race to include as many people into their spheres of influence as possible. The only barrier to entry for inclusion in most people’s networks today seems to be that they are polite. Let me be clear – I have nothing against polite behavior so long as it’s not accompanied by a hidden agenda… How often have you received adulation from the overly effusive in the form of an email, blog comment, tweet or Facebook message from someone you hardly know, and how does that make you feel? Do you trust them? Do you trust their motives? It’s as if the currency of social networking is rapidly becoming flattery – it should be trust. I’m not interested in flattery, but sincerity. It was Socrates who said, “Think not those faithful who praise thy words & actions but those who kindly reprove thy faults.” What leaders need to become cognizant of is that flattery comes with the territory. The more influence you have, the more you’ll be prone to attract flattery. The question is, can you discern fact from fiction and can you handle it? I’ll leave you with one of my favorite quotes from Martin Luther: “The ears of our generation have been made so delicate by the senseless multitude of flatterers that, as soon as we perceive anything of ours in not approved of, we cry out that we are being bitterly assailed; and when we can repel the truth by no other pretence, we escape by attributing bitterness, impatience, intemperance, to our adversaries.” Things really haven’t changed too much have they? Now it’s your turn to shower me with praise, flatter my ego, rebuke my thinking or challenge my logic – leave your comments below…

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Matag gutlo kahigayonan sa paglambo

Sa dihang gipangutana ang usa ka nuebentay singko anyos nga lalaki ug naila nga usa ka bantugang mamamana kung nganu sa iya lang gihapong pangedaron, mogahin gihapon cyag unom ka oras matag adlaw aron sa pagbansay. Ang maong tigulang igo lang mitubag: "Nagbansay ko tungod kay akong nakita nga mulambo pa gyud ko." Ang matag gutlo sa atong kinabuhi maoy mga kahigayonan sa paghimo og ginagmay apan makanunayong kalambuan. Sama sa atong kinabuhing Espirituhanon, ang Dios wala magpaabot nga mohimo kita og dili kasarangang mga kalamposan nga pagaubanan og mga walay kinutobang pag-angal. Hinunoa, gitawag kita nga muhimo og mga yanong mga buhat nga dunay dili kasarangang paghigugma. Mao nga ang matag gutlo kahigayonan gyud sa paglambo.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Obesity Prevention & Awareness (

Obesity means having too much body fat.

It is different from being slightly overweight, which means weighing way too much.

The weight may come from muscle, bone, fat and/or body water.

Both terms mean that a person's weight is greater that what's considered healthy for his or her height.

A person is considered obese when his or her weight is 20 percent or more above normal weight.

Obesity occurs over time when one eats more calories than the body uses.

The balance between calories-in and calories-out differs for each person.

Factors that might tip the balance include your genetic makeup, overeating, eating high-fat foods and not being physically active.

Being obese increases your risk of:

.and some Cancers
.Heart disease
.Sleep apnea

If you are obese,, losing even five to ten percent of your weight can delay or prevent some of these diseases.

Healthy lifestyle

To lose weight, you must eat food with fewer calories and increase your physical activity to burn more calories.

They key to losing and keeping weight off is to set realistic weight loss goals.

The changes you make to your eating and exercise habits will need to last throughout your life.

A healthy diet example

. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat dairy products
. Lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts
. Low in saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, salt, and added sugar

Focus on portion size

Watch the size of portion in fast food and other restaurants.

A simple exercise tip

Experts recommend at least 30 minutes of moderate aerobic activity (such as a brisk walk) at least five days a week.

You don't have to exercise for 30 minutes at a time; ten minutes three times a day is equally effective.

In fact, any exercise from taking the stairs to cleaning the house or working in the garden is beneficial.

You should also include muscle-strengthening activities such as weight-lifting or working with resistance bands at least two days a week.

Workplace Wellness: Take responsibility for your own heart health

10 simple steps on how you can live a healthy life

1.Healthy food intake - Eat at least five servings of fruit and vegetables a day and avoid saturated fat. Beware of processed foods. They often contain high levels of salt.

2.Get Active - Even 30 minutes of activity can assist in the prevention of heart attacks and strokes and your work will benefit too.

3.Say no to tobacco - Your risk of coronary heart disease will be halved within a year and will return to a normal level over time.

4.Maintain a healthy weight - Weight loss and less salt intake leads to lower blood pressure. High blood pressure is the number one risk factor for stroke and a major factor for approximately half of all heart disease.

5.Know your numbers - Visit a healthcare professional who can measure your blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose levels, together with waist-to-hip ratio and body mass index (bmi). Once you know your overall risk, you can develop a specific plan of action to improve your heart health.

6.Limit your alcohol intake - Restrict the amount of alcoholic drinks you consume. Excessive alcohol intake can cause your blood pressure to rise and your weight to increase.

Ideas on how you can make your workplace healthier are listed in numbers 7 to 10 as follows:

7.Insist on a smoke-free environment - Demand a tobacco ban and ensure your workplace is 100 percent smoke-free. Support the adoption of smoking-cessation services and encourage your employer to provide help to those wanting to quit tobacco.

8.Bring exercise to your workplace - Include physical activity in your working schedule - cycle to work whenever possible, take the stairs, exercise or go for a walk during your lunch breaks, and encourage others to do so too.

9.Choose healthy food options - Ask for healthy food at you work canteen, or find nearby cafes or restaurants that serve healthy meals.

10.Encourage stress-free moments - while stress has not been shown to be a direct risk factor for heart disease and stroke, it is related to smoking, excessive drinking and unhealthy eating, which are risk factors for heart disease.

.Take time for lunch away from your workplace to get some fresh air
.Take regular breaks during the day and do stretching exercising for five minutes twice a day

A Wonderful Message by George Carlin

The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers, wider freeways but narrower viewpoints.
We spend more, but have less, we buy more, but enjoy less
We have bigger houses and smaller families, more conveniences, but less time.
We have more degrees, but less sense, more knowledge, but less judgment, more experts, yet more problems, more medicines, but less wellness.

We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom.

We've learned how to make a living, but not a life.
We've added years to life and life to years
We've been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet a neighbor.

We conquered outer space, but not inner space.
We've done larger things, but not better things.
We've cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul
We've conquered the atom, but not our prejudice.
We write more, but learn less.
We plan more, but accomplish less
We've learned to rush, but not to wait
We build more computers to hold more information, to produce more copies than ever, but we communicate less and less.

These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion, big men and small character, sleep profits and shallow relationships.
These are the days of too incomes but more divorce, fancier houses but broken homes
These are the days of of quick trips, disposable diapers, throwaway morality, one night stands, overweight bodies, and pills that do everything from cheer, to quiet, to kill.
It is the time when there is much in the showroom window and nothing in the stockroom.
A time when technology can bring this letter to you, and a time when you can choose either to share this insight, or to just hit delete.

Remember, spend time with your loved ones, because they are not going to be around forever.
Remember to say a kind word to someone who looks up to you in awe, because that little person soon will grow up and leave your side.
Remember to give a warm hug to the one next to you, because that is the only treasure you can give with your heart and it doesn't cost a cent.
Remember to say "I love you" to your partner and your loved ones, but most of all, mean it.
A kiss and an embrace will mend hurts when it comes from deep inside you.
Remember to hold hands and cherish the moment for someday that person will not be there again.
Give time to love, give time to speak, and give time to share the precious thoughts in your mind.
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take your breath away.

Prayer of a Wife

Dear Lord,
Grant me the grace to be more patient.
When children are misbehaving and food is not eaten.
When the budget is short and all bills are always rising.
When my husband is busy and he tends to forget our anniversary.
When laundries are filled piled up and I have no time for myself.
When household chores tend to be routinary and I feel I am a robot.

I don't ask you Lord, that I may be appreciated
I don't work that I may be praised
Nor do I complain or seek comfort.
What I ask of you is to grant me the grace to be more persevering. Because I will do these things again just to give the best to my children.
Let all these household duties be the expressions of my all-encompassing concern for them.